Was Former National
Alliance Chairman Shaun Walker Deliberately Set Up By The
Special Update: Post updated on September 22nd,
2007 to reflect changes in the locations where the Shaun
Walker Trio are being incarcerated. The most current
information will be separately posted on the sidebar of
this blog. Updates posted in
First, here is a YouTube video of
Channel 5's report on the sentencing of Shaun Walker
and Eric Egbert (hat tip to the
Resistance Discussion Forum for leading me to this
New information has emerged which implies there might be
much more to the Shaun Walker case than even many of us
familiar with the Cause may have dreamed possible. Many
of us merely thought that Shaun Walker and his cohorts
may have been merely overcharged in order to send a
political message to the white nationalist movement
using the justice system. Very few of us entertained the
possibility of a COMPLETE SETUP.
However, the wife of Shaun Walker has now spoken out,
and she hints of the possibility that it might have been
a complete setup, In
this post on the Stormfront White Nationalist
Discussion Forum, located in a
dedicated thread, Mrs. Walker, under the nickname "Thora
Design", provides us with her insight:
I'm saddened to have to
set the record straight ... our OWN people don't
even have the facts straight..
Let me say unequivocally -- Shaun Walker WAS NOT in
a bar fight. Keith Cotter and Brad Callahan LIED on
the stand to save their skin. There WAS NO
conspiracy. If you are truly interested in the case,
don't read newspaper accounts -- read court
transcripts. You will see how unbelievable this case
is. ZOG wanted them to plea bargain and show remorse
for crimes they didn't commit -- they all 3 kept
their honor and integrity -- they did not BOW DOWN,
roll on each other or confess to crimes they didn't
Shaun, Travis and Eric had been handed down gag
orders and are now in the appeal process. They are
unable to set the records straight.
Eric and Travis are still in the Salt Lake City
County jail. I'm sure they would appreciate funds in
their commissary and/or letters of encouragment.
No good can be had for being judgmental and/or
perpetuating bad information for our "OWN".
Mrs. Walker
If what Mrs. Walker asserts is true, then that might
immediately explain why the victims never pressed state
charges and why the State of Utah never filed charges.
You can't file charges unless there is a crime.
The implications of this are positively chilling. This
means Keith Cotter made up a complete cock-and-bull
story to save his own ass. This means Brad Callahan
needlessly corroborated Cotter's story (and why would
Callahan do this - he wasn't being charged with anything
- he had to legal incentive to roll over on the Shaun
Walker Trio). And this means the Federal prosecutors
were either incredibly negligent in failing to check up
on Cotter's story, or they deliberately chose not to
cross-check Cotter's story and prosecuted anyway. If the
latter is the case, then the Feds conspired with a
snitch to put an innocent man away.
I can understand why, in her present distraught state of
mind, Mrs. Walker would mildly take the pro-white
movement to task for "not having our facts straight".
But the information the media provided was all we had.
The gag order imposed on the defendants, while
originally intended to reduce the possibility of jury
subornation, also denied the defendants the opportunity
to make their case to the public. It would have been
helpful had Mrs. Walker posted her information much
earlier, then the rest of us could have spread her input
far and wide as well. There's no way any pro-white
blogger could have proclaimed Shaun Walker's
complete innocence, based upon the information
publicly available, without anything tangible to back it
Related Articles and Blog Posts:
Shaun Walker was the
chairman and CEO of the
National Alliance, a
major neo-Nazi organization,
from April 2005 to July
2006. Walker was appointed
to head the group after
Erich Gliebe � who was
himself appointed to head
the organization immediately
after the 2002 death of
William Pierce �
resigned in the midst of
continuing infighting and
internal scandals. Walker's
stint as the group's leader
was cut short when he was
convicted of orchestrating
and participating in a
series of brutal attacks on
non-whites in bars in Salt
Lake City in 2000.
Criminal History
In 2006, Walker was indicted
on federal civil rights
charges for orchestrating
attacks on non-whites in
Salt Lake City, Utah, in
2002 and 2003. Walker was
convicted in 2007 and
sentenced to 87 months in
prison. He served time in
Sandstone Federal
Correctional Facility in
Sandstone, Minn., until his
release on November 27,
In His Own Words
"Adolf Hitler is without
doubt the greatest leader
and philosopher of the
� 2005 speech
"I guarantee you there
are more brilliant,
intelligent white people on
earth, with higher IQs, than
all the Jews put together."
� "American Dissident
Voices" radio broadcast,
"The Jews have invested a
great deal into the
Holocaust story and it is
now a powerful political
tool that they often wield.
... [A]ll over the world,
there is a historical mythos
called the Jewish Holocaust
of World War II."
� "American Dissident
Voices," 2006
Shaun Walker grew up in
Hayward, Calif., where he
became a neo-Nazi during his
high school years, penning
essays on genetics and
racist skinhead culture for
WAR magazine, which was
published by White Aryan
Resistance (WAR), a
youth-focused white
supremacist organization led
Tom Metzger.
Walker served in the
Marine Corps from 1986 to
1990, training as a sniper.
He later studied molecular
biology at John Muir College
at the University of
California, San Diego,
receiving a B.S. in
molecular biology with a
minor in history in 1997.
The following year,
Walker joined the National
Alliance Internet Response
Unit, an online propaganda
division that was overseen
Billy Roper. The
Alliance was then at the
height of its power, in
terms of membership,
revenues and influence. In
2000, Walker was appointed
unit coordinator, or leader,
of the Salt Lake City unit
of the National Alliance by
its founder and chairman,
William Pierce. Two years
later, not long before his
death, Pierce hired Walker
to a full-time salaried
position as the National
Alliance's chief of staff
and membership coordinator.
Shortly after Pierce's
death in July 2002, Pierce's
handpicked successor, Erich
Gliebe, appointed Walker as
the Alliance's western
states regional coordinator.
Less than a year later, in
July 2003, Gliebe promoted
Walker to the position of
chief operating officer, at
which time Walker relocated
from Salt Lake City to the
National Alliance
headquarters outside
Hillsboro, W. Va., where he
lived and worked for the
next three years.
Together with Gliebe,
Walker presided over the
virtual disintegration of
the Alliance, as the leaders
of the largest and richest
neo-Nazi organization in the
country were increasingly
beset by allegations of
financial improprieties,
moral lassitude and general
incompetence. In August
2004, David Pringle, a
former high-ranking Alliance
official, wrote and
distributed a protest essay
titled "Demand an Audit." It
detailed the wasteful
spending and failed business
ventures of Gliebe and
Walker, by then derisively
known in many neo-Nazi
circles as "the Dues
Brothers." "In the last
year, 'our enemies' have not
made disastrous decisions
that have cost us most of
our cash savings," Pringle
wrote. "Our leaders have.
Our enemies have not caused
us to lose more than half of
our rank-and-file membership
and almost two thirds of our
organizational revenue in
the last year. Our leaders
The internal pressure on
Gliebe and his leadership
team only grew after that.
Finally, on April 25, 2005,
Walker abruptly announced
that Gliebe had stepped down
and that Walker was
replacing him as CEO of the
Alliance. Gliebe would stay
on, but only as the head of
Resistance Records, the
group's hate rock music
The National Alliance
limped on, but its ranks
were rapidly dwindling from
a high of about 1,400.
Nevertheless, Walker managed
to keep the Alliance in the
mainstream media via
interviews with major
newspapers and cable news
networks, and to continue to
espouse the group's agenda
via the Internet and its
"American Dissident Voices"
radio broadcasts.
Regardless, by 2006 the
group had no more than a few
hundred members.
In June of 2006, however,
Walker's past caught up with
him. He was arrested on
federal civil rights charges
for allegedly leading a
series of organized attacks
on Mexicans and Native
Americans in Salt Lake City
bars in 2000. The conditions
of his pre-trial release
prohibited Walker from
having any contact with past
or present members of the
National Alliance, forcing
him to resign as chairman
and hand the reins back to
Gliebe. Walker and two
co-defendants, Travis
Massey, the former Utah
spokesman for the Alliance,
and Eric Egbert, were
convicted in April 2007 of
conspiracy to interfere with
the civil rights of
individuals based on their
race. On Aug. 13, 2007,
Walker was sentenced to 87
months in federal prison.
He later won a sentence
reduction and was released
on Nov. 27, 2009.
Shaun Walker was the Chairman/CEO of the
National Alliance, a
White Nationalist organization from April 2005 to July
Walker grew up in California. He served in the military
[1] and was honorably discharged[2]
at the rank of
He was appointed Unit Coordinator (UC) for the Salt Lake
City Unit in April 2000 by Pierce. In September 2002 he was
appointed as the Western States Regional Coordinator by
Gliebe, new chairman of the National Alliance. In June
2003, he moved to West Virginia and was appointed Chief
Operating Officer and in April 2005, Chief Executive Officer
of National Vanguard Books and Chairman of the Board for the
National Alliance at the "National Office" near
Hillsboro, West Virginia.
Media and Communications
Walker appeared in a documentary film about "White Power
Music" produced by Scottish TV, which aired in America on
the Discovery Times channel in 2005, the documentary film
Protocols of Zion produced by
Blowback Productions as well as the
John Walsh
show in 2003.[citation
needed] He has been interviewed on many radio
programs as well as appearing on several TV interviews,
almost always to discuss the topic of race in America. He
last appeared on TV during an April, 2006 CNN interview.[citation
needed] He has been interviewed by
approximately 300 newspapers during the 3-years he was the
official spokesman for the
National Alliance.
He has been a guest speaker for the
National Democratic Party of Germany in 2003 and 2006,
Nordisk Freiheit in Sweden in 2006.[citation
needed] Walker attended the Red, White and
Blue festival in England hosted by the
British National Party in 2003.[3]
He also traveled to Russia and Greece in 2004 where he spoke
neo-fascist political group
He has written articles for
Metzger's WAR newspaper, Instauration,[4]
the Bay Aryan,[5]
Liberty Bell, National Vanguard magazine,
Resistance magazine and Free Speech newspaper.
Arrest and Conviction
In 2007, Walker along with two other men were found
guilty by a federal court on charges of conspiracy to
interfere with civil rights in the beating of a
Mexican-American man in 2002 and an American Indian man in
2003 outside Salt Lake City.[6]
Walker was initially sentenced to 87 months in prison, a U.S
District Judge shortened the sentence to 37 months.[7]
"Neo-Nazi National Alliance Leader Indicted in Civil
Rights Conspiracy". Southern Poverty Law Center.
June 9, 2006.
Retrieved August 4, 2010.
^ Fattah,
Geoffrey (Dec. 15, 2007).
"Man sentenced in 2 racist beatings". Desert
Retrieved August 4, 2010.
^ Instauration was a monthly magazine
published by H. Allen Enterprises of Cape Canaveral,
Florida, from 1975 to 1983. ISSN 0277-2302
OCLC 6406234 See Kivisto, Peter and Rundblad,
Georganne (2000) "Note 25. Instauration"
Multiculturalism in the United States: Current
Issues, Contemporary Voices Pine Forge Press,
Thousand Oaks, Calif.,
p. 68,
ISBN 0-7619-8648-0
^ The Bay Aryan is a quarterly
magazine published by the Aryan Revolutionary Front
of Castro Valley, California, beginning in 1995.
OCLC 38003134, See Wellman, Laurel (1999) "Dog
Bites: They're Baa-ack" SF Weekly 3 March
White supremacist sentenced in beating, maintains
he's not a criminal
White separatists get shorter prison terms
White Power Leader Resigns from Pos
June 30, 2006 12:39 PM
Shaun Walker, once the Chairman of the country's largest
and most active white supremacist group, has resigned from
his post, according to his attorney Robin Ljungberg.
Despite the website of the National Alliance still naming
him chairman, Ljungberg told ABC News Walker stepped down
from his leadership post during his most recent court
appearance this past week. Walker has been indicted by
a federal grand jury, along with two other members of the
group, for violating the rights of two minority men in Utah.
Magistrate David Nuffer of Salt Lake City agreed to release
the former head of the white supremacist group pending his
trial on hate-crime charges if certain conditions are met.
Those include Walker finding living arrangements in Utah and
surrendering his passport.
Walker is set to remain in Salt Lake County jail at least
until July 5, which is the date set by Nuffer to hear if the
conditions have been met.
If convicted at his trial scheduled for Aug. 21, Walker
could face a maximum of 20 years in prison and a $20,000
Despite the possibility of having alleged members who are
descendants of Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, New York's Top
Banksters, Wall Street swindlers, The Jewish Mafia, and the
Jewish Bolsheviks who founded the USSR and presided over the
murder of its 65 million criminally executed Christians at
mostly Jewish hands, the ADL pretended enough cleanliness on
April 20, 2007 to take a swipe at a man who by law could not
defend himself.
On April 20, 2007, Shaun Walker, former chairman of the
National Alliance, Travis Massey, former leader of the
group's Utah chapter, along with a third man, Eric Egbert,
were convicted of assaulting a Mexican-American man in 2002,
and of conspiracy to interfere with the civil rights of
individuals. In addition, the three men were found
guilty of "violating the victims' federally protected right
to enjoy a place of public accommodation free from violence
based on their race," according to a Department of Justice
press release. The charges against the men stemmed from
racially motivated beatings at two different bars in
Salt Lake City in 2002 and 2003.
The prosecutors argued that the beatings were part of a plan
to intimidate non-whites in
Salt Lake City.
As chairman of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, until his
arrest in June 2006,
advocated an ideology that demonized Jews and other
minorities and called for a whites-only homeland. This
ideology emanated from the now-deceased
Pierce, who founded the
Alliance in 1974. Pierce was
the author of The Turner Diaries, a novel whose
vision of a violent white revolution in this country
Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh,
as well as others, to commit murders, robberies and other
Pierce liked to pretend that his group attracted a "better
class" of white supremacist, but the crude racist attacks
committed by Walker
and his cohorts stripped away the intellectual veneer the
National Alliance liked to project and revealed the racist
violence and demagoguery that was at the core of the group.
Pierce thought that his followers would be the vanguard of a
"white revolution," but they proved to be nothing more than
hateful thugs and bullies.
In decline since Pierce's death in 2002, the National
Alliance underwent a split in the ranks in 2005 after
and Erich Gliebe, the current chairman of the group,
expelled a number of key players from the organization. The
expelled members went on to form the National Vanguard,
which was dissolved in March 2007 and replaced by a new
incarnation of the group--European Americans United.
Shaun Walker was the chairman and CEO of the National Alliance, a major neo-Nazi organization, from April 2005 to July 2006. Walker was appointed to head the group after then-leader Erich Gliebe � who was himself appointed to head the organization immediately after the 2002 death of founder William Pierce � resigned in the midst of continuing infighting and internal scandals. Walker's stint as the group's leader was cut short when he was convicted of orchestrating and participating in a series of brutal attacks on non-whites in bars in Salt Lake City in 2000.
Criminal History
In 2006, Walker was indicted on federal civil rights charges for orchestrating attacks on non-whites in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 2002 and 2003. Walker was convicted in 2007 and sentenced to 87 months in prison. He served time in Sandstone Federal Correctional Facility in Sandstone, Minn., until his release on November 27, 2009.
In His Own Words
"Adolf Hitler is without doubt the greatest leader and philosopher of the 1900s."
� 2005 speech
"I guarantee you there are more brilliant, intelligent white people on earth, with higher IQs, than all the Jews put together."
� "American Dissident Voices" radio broadcast, 2006
"The Jews have invested a great deal into the Holocaust story and it is now a powerful political tool that they often wield. ... [A]ll over the world, there is a historical mythos called the Jewish Holocaust of World War II."
� "American Dissident Voices," 2006
Shaun Walker grew up in Hayward, Calif., where he became a neo-Nazi during his high school years, penning essays on genetics and racist skinhead culture for WAR magazine, which was published by White Aryan Resistance (WAR), a youth-focused white supremacist organization led by Tom Metzger.
Walker served in the Marine Corps from 1986 to 1990, training as a sniper. He later studied molecular biology at John Muir College at the University of California, San Diego, receiving a B.S. in molecular biology with a minor in history in 1997.
The following year, Walker joined the National Alliance Internet Response Unit, an online propaganda division that was overseen by Billy Roper. The Alliance was then at the height of its power, in terms of membership, revenues and influence. In 2000, Walker was appointed unit coordinator, or leader, of the Salt Lake City unit of the National Alliance by its founder and chairman, William Pierce. Two years later, not long before his death, Pierce hired Walker to a full-time salaried position as the National Alliance's chief of staff and membership coordinator.
Shortly after Pierce's death in July 2002, Pierce's handpicked successor, Erich Gliebe, appointed Walker as the Alliance's western states regional coordinator. Less than a year later, in July 2003, Gliebe promoted Walker to the position of chief operating officer, at which time Walker relocated from Salt Lake City to the National Alliance headquarters outside Hillsboro, W. Va., where he lived and worked for the next three years.
Together with Gliebe, Walker presided over the virtual disintegration of the Alliance, as the leaders of the largest and richest neo-Nazi organization in the country were increasingly beset by allegations of financial improprieties, moral lassitude and general incompetence. In August 2004, David Pringle, a former high-ranking Alliance official, wrote and distributed a protest essay titled "Demand an Audit." It detailed the wasteful spending and failed business ventures of Gliebe and Walker, by then derisively known in many neo-Nazi circles as "the Dues Brothers." "In the last year, 'our enemies' have not made disastrous decisions that have cost us most of our cash savings," Pringle wrote. "Our leaders have. Our enemies have not caused us to lose more than half of our rank-and-file membership and almost two thirds of our organizational revenue in the last year. Our leaders have."
The internal pressure on Gliebe and his leadership team only grew after that. Finally, on April 25, 2005, Walker abruptly announced that Gliebe had stepped down and that Walker was replacing him as CEO of the Alliance. Gliebe would stay on, but only as the head of Resistance Records, the group's hate rock music company.
The National Alliance limped on, but its ranks were rapidly dwindling from a high of about 1,400. Nevertheless, Walker managed to keep the Alliance in the mainstream media via interviews with major newspapers and cable news networks, and to continue to espouse the group's agenda via the Internet and its "American Dissident Voices" radio broadcasts. Regardless, by 2006 the group had no more than a few hundred members.
In June of 2006, however, Walker's past caught up with him. He was arrested on federal civil rights charges for allegedly leading a series of organized attacks on Mexicans and Native Americans in Salt Lake City bars in 2000. The conditions of his pre-trial release prohibited Walker from having any contact with past or present members of the National Alliance, forcing him to resign as chairman and hand the reins back to Gliebe. Walker and two co-defendants, Travis Massey, the former Utah spokesman for the Alliance, and Eric Egbert, were convicted in April 2007 of conspiracy to interfere with the civil rights of individuals based on their race. On Aug. 13, 2007, Walker was sentenced to 87 months in federal prison. He later won a sentence reduction and was released on Nov. 27, 2009.